Features extraction

Loading an audio file

To extract any type of speech features you will need the audio signal stored in an Array-like object and the sampling rate in Hertz. SpeechFeatures does not provide a way to load these two elements from audio files directly but there are several Julia packages to do this. In this tutorial, we will use WAV.jl. For the rest of the tutorial, we assumed that you have installed the WAV.jl package in your Julia environment.

First of all, as an example, we download an audio file from the TIMIT corpus. In the Julia REPL type:

julia> run(`wget https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/desc/addenda/LDC93S1.wav`)

Now, we load the audio waveform:

julia> using WAV
julia> channels, srate = wavread("LDC93S1.wav", format = "double")

Where channels is a NxC matrix where N is the length of the audio in samples and C is the number of channels. Since TIMIT is mono recorded it has only one channel. format = "double" indicates that the signals in channels will be encoded with double precision and each sample of the signal will be between 1.0 and -1.0.


The wavread function also accepts format = "native" which will return the data in the format it is stored in the WAV file. We discourage its use as extracting the features from integer or floating point encoded signal can lead to drastically different output.

We get the signal from the channels matrix:

julia> x = channels[:, 1]

As a sanity check, we print the sampling rate and duration of the signal:

julia> println("sampling freq: $srate Hz\nduration: $(round(length(x) / srate, digits=2)) s")
sampling freq: 16000.0 Hz
duration: 2.92 s

and we plot the waveform:

julia> using Plots
julia> pyplot()
julia> t = range(0, length(x) / srate, length=length(x))
julia> plot(t, x, size = (1000, 300), xlabel = "time (seconds)", legend = false)

Extracting the features

All the different types of features supported by this package follow the same extraction scheme.

  1. create a the feature extractor object with a specific configuration
  2. send the signal(s) to this extractor to get the features.

SpeechFeatures provides the following feature extractor:

Log magnitude spectrumLogMagnitudeSpectrum([options])Logarithm of the magnitude of the Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT)
Log Mel SpectrumLogMelSpectrum([options])Logarithm of the STFT transformed via a mel-spaced filter bank.
Mel Cepsral Coefficients (MFCCs)MFCC([options])Classical MFCC features

As an example, we will use the popular Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) features. First we create the extractor with the default configuration:

julia> mfcc = MFCC()

and then, we extract and plot the features from our TIMIT sample:

julia> fea = x |> mfcc

Here is the list of possible options for each extractor

Option nameDefaultSupported byDescription
removedctrueallRemove the direct component from the signal.
ditheringtrueallAdd Gaussian white noise with dithering stdandard deviation.
srate16000allSampling rate in Hz of the input signal
frameduration0.025allFrame duration in seconds.
framestep0.011allFrame step (hop size) in seconds.
preemphasis0.97allPreemphasis filter coefficient.
windowfnSpeechFeatures.HannWindowallWindowing function (others are HammingWindow or RectangularWindow).
windowpower0.85allSharpening exponent of the window.
nfilters26LogMelSpectrum | MFCCNumber of filters in the filter bank.
lofreq80LogMelSpectrum | MFCCLow cut-off frequency in Hz for the filter bank.
hifreq7600LogMelSpectrum | MFCCHigh cut-off frequency in Hz for the filter bank.
addenergytrueMFCCAppend the per-frame energy to the features.
nceps12MFCCNumber of cepstral coefficients.
liftering22MFCCLiftering coefficient.

Deltas and mean normalization

The deltas and acceleration coefficients (i.e. "double deltas") can be computed by chaining the features extraction with the deltas features extractor:

julia> Δ_ΔΔ = DeltaCoeffs(order = 2, deltawin = 2)
julia> fea = x |> mfcc |> Δ_ΔΔ

The order parameter is the order of the deltas coefficients, i.e. order = 2 means that the first and second deltas (acceleration) coefficients will be computed. deltawin is the length of the delta window.

Similarly, to remove the mean of the utterance you can add one more element to the chain:

julia> mnorm = MeanNorm()
julia> fea = x |> mfcc |> Δ_ΔΔ |> mnorm